Committee |
Purpose |
Meeting Schedule |
To make recommendations on proposed amendments to the Council chapters and aid them in keeping their governing documents current.
As needed
Education and Professional Development
To assess the Education and Professional Developmental needs of the membership; to assess the Education and Professional Developmental needs of the non-members who attend the NYSCHP programs, to develop Education and Professional Developmental programs for the Annual Assembly and Tri-State Meetings; to establish a viable speaker’s bureau from members of NYSCHP and to serve as a liaison to ACPE for programming with the local chapters.
Governmental Affairs (Representative from each Chapter)
To provide information, informed opinions and guidance to the membership on current and developing legislation, rules and regulations governing the practice of pharmacy on the state and the national level.
Quarterly or as needed
Joint Committee with Industry
To develop relationships with Industry members, oversee Student Essay contest.
To develop and implement leadership development programs at the state and chapter levels to aid in the development of effective leaders and to further the goals of the Council through increased participation, motivation and accountability of the members.
Membership (Representative from each Chapter)
To recruit new members and develop ways to retain members. Develop surveys to determine membership trends. To develop incentives for membership recruitment.
4-6 times per year
Organization & Goals
To review and analyze the organization of the Council and to make recommendations to increase its effectiveness.
Professional Affairs
To respond to the needs of the Council members in matters of professional practice and the assurance of quality in the performance of pharmacy services. To develop position papers and policy statements.
Public Relations
To create and promote functions of the organization / profession.
Resolutions (Representative from each Chapter)
Review and make recommendations to the HOD of all submitted resolutions.
2-3 weeks before the HOD
Supportive Personnel
To provide support and guidance to the support personnel in all pharmacies.