About UsRoyal Counties of New York Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Inc., also known as Royal Counties Society of Health-System Pharmacists (RCSHP), or "Royals," is a non-profit pharmacy organization that serves pharmacists and student pharmacists in Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island, New York. It was founded in 1988 at Brookdale Hospital in Brooklyn, New York, and is currently one of the largest chapters of the New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists (NYSCHP). Our mission is to represent our members and advance pharmacy as an essential component of health care. The Council and Royals provide leadership and resources to promote quality pharmaceutical services directed towards continuing education, community service, networking, and legislative advancement for appropriate medication therapy and positive patient outcomes. MembershipRoyals is composed of pharmacists, resident and fellow pharmacists, student pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and pharmaceutical industry representatives. DocumentsTo view recent meeting minutes and other valuable information, please click here. GalleryTake a look at our gallery of photos and videos taken at our events. These remind us to stay positive, and prove that what we do here at Royal Counties really does make a difference. We are thrilled to share great memories of all the fun times we spent promoting meaningful change. See for yourself on our Facebook page, and follow us on Instagram! Contact Us
Constitution and BylawsMeeting MinutesPlease send us an email if you have any comments or questions. If you are a member and feel you are not receiving emails, please let us know.Official E-mail: ROYALCOUNTIES@gmail.com |