Category |
Year |
Number |
Position Statement |
Sub-category 1 |
Sub-category 2 |
2024 |
(01-24) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the mandatory development and implementation of a physical assessment course throughout schools of pharmacy. The course should comprise a didactic lecture and lab portion evaluating exam techniques (i.e. blood pressure reading, auscultation, diabetic foot exam, cardiac and respiratory exams, and more.) Successful completion of this course should be a requirement for fulfilling the pharmD program requirements. |
2024 |
(02-24) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the development and implementation of point-of-care testing and treatment by pharmacists. |
2024 |
(03-24) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists (NYSCHP) supports pharmacist and pharmacy technician inclusion in the design, implementation, evaluation, and validation of artificial intelligence-related applications and policies that affect medication-use processes, direct patient care, and patient outcome. NYSCHP advocates for the ethical, regulated, and safe development and use of artificial intelligence in patient care. |
2024 |
(04-24) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports a requirement of insurance plans to provide no less favorable coverage for orally administered anticancer therapy covered by prescription component of insurance plans than they do for iv anticancer therapy through medical benefit component of insurance plans. |
2024 |
(05-24) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the requirement of an active Pharmacy Technician Certification Board or NHA CPHT certification for all pharmacy technicians renewing their New York State licensure as registered pharmacy technicians. |
2024 |
(06-24) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports health-systems throughout New York State developing oncology stewardship programs aimed at improving safety and outcomes while reducing healthcare expenditures. |
2024 |
(07-24) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports advocacy efforts for the development of programs to incentivize the domestic manufacturing of pharmaceutical products to reduce foreign supply chain dependance in the setting of critical drug shortages. |
2024 |
(08-24) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports Medicaid coverage for services rendered to an enrollee by a licensed pharmacist acting within the pharmacist’s lawful scope of practice to the same extent as services rendered by any other licensed health care provider, with the following tenets: 1. Pharmacists should be eligible to provide services in all applicable practice settings. 2. Pharmacists should be reimbursed at rates no less than other providers. 3. Individual pharmacists should be enrolled as providers (as opposed to pharmacy enrollment). 4. Requirements should apply to all state-regulated commercial insurance plans and all Medicaid plans. |
2023 |
(01-23) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports medication take back bins (drop off boxes) at hospitals, nursing homes and community pharmacies for expired/unused medications. |
2023 |
(02-23) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports programs allowing emergency departments to dispense opioid rescue medications without a prescription to at risk patients. |
2023 |
(03-23) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the expansion of mental health services, resources, and programs for healthcare workers to mitigate the risk of work related burnout, mental health illnesses, and suicide. |
2023 |
(04-23) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the inclusion of pharmacists in identifying and addressing social determinants of health as part of their routine practice to deliver quality patient care. |
2023 |
(05-23) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists recognizes and supports the New York state legislation protecting access to abortion services and supports pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy intern role in providing access to medication abortion care. |
2023 |
(06-23) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports equal access for international candidates pursuing residency training in accordance with Federal law. |
2023 |
(07-23) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports health systems throughout New York State developing and implementing successful anticoagulation stewardship programs. |
2023 |
(08-23) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists recognizes the role of NYSCHP historian in the bylaws of the organization as a non-voting member of the board of directors. |
2022 |
(01-22) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists supports the development and implementation of pharmacist led services to expand access to care for patients from vulnerable and marginalized communities who have historically had a decreased access to care, e.g., LGBTQIA+ persons, black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC), and persons with disabilities. |
2022 |
(02-22) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists supports a larger enrollment of students from historically underrepresented backgrounds in Doctor of Pharmacy and residency training programs, to increase the number of diverse practitioners to better serve our communities. |
2022 |
(03-22) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists supports the recommendation for all institutions that utilize ADCS to minimize and monitor medication overrides by implementing best practice guidelines and policies to promote safe ADC use and ensure that this technology is being optimized to promote safe patient outcomes. |
2022 |
(04-22) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists supports the role of the pharmacist in administering intramuscular injections of long-acting antiretroviral therapy for the management of HIV to expand access to care and improve patient outcomes. |
2022 |
(05-22) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists opposes the use of payer mandated white bagging as a means of drug distribution within health-systems. |
2022 |
(06-22) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists Supports social media platforms adjusting their content moderation policies to routinely identify and address medical misinformation. |
2022 |
(07-22) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists supports development of a penicillin skin testing program that includes pharmacist administration, documentation, and reimbursement, with oversight by the board of pharmacy with a goal of updating the definition of the practice of pharmacy. |
2022 |
(08-22) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists supports the inclusion of pharmacists in communication technologies, such as telemedicine. The council advocates for the use of telemedicine as a conduit to improve relationships between patients and providers while positively impacting health outcomes. |
2021 |
(01-21) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports pharmacist leadership in pandemic planning activities on the local, state, and federal level to ensure pharmacists are able to fully respond to future pandemics. |
2021 |
(02-21) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists advocates for the professional responsibility of pharmacists to provide comprehensive medication management to optimize medication therapy outcomes when providing direct patient care. |
2021 |
(03-21) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the leadership and involvement of pharmacists in the development of a process for drug diversion surveillance to promote patient safety and health-system compliance with regulatory requirements. |
2021 |
(05-21) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the recommendation for all hospitals to implement and maintain interoperability between their smart pumps and electronic health records. |
2021 |
(06-21) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the incorporation of health equity into pharmacy school curricula, pharmacy technician training programs, residency training programs, board certification competencies, professional pharmacy organizations, workplace training and continuing education programming to increase awareness of health disparities and enable pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to advance health equity. |
2021 |
(07-21) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists encourages pharmacy institutions to form “diversity, equity, and inclusion” committees that set goals and standards to champion and advocate for a more diverse and inclusive workforce and membership. |
2021 |
(08-21) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports frequent departmental data collection in order to evaluate candidate acceptance criteria, hiring practices, promotional criteria, salary differences, and available mentorship systems, with a goal of ensuring that these practices advance equity and diversity in the workforce. |
2020 |
(01-20) |
The New York State Council of Health System Pharmacists advocates for the recognition, treatment, and prevention of burnout. In addition, encourage more education on stress, burnout, and overall well-being. |
2020 |
(02-20) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists encourages pharmacist education and training in the field of clinical pharmacogenomics and supports involvement of pharmacists in the implementation and application of pharmacogenomics practices within their institutions. |
2019 |
(01-19) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists advocates for the establishment of a comprehensive National electronic health information network, granting access to pharmacists and healthcare providers, enabling timely updates to a patient’s medication list when appropriate. |
2019 |
(02-19) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the incorporation of the education on LGBTQIA+ patient care into New York State pharmacy school curricula. |
2019 |
(03-19) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the expansion of basic healthcare access in medically underserved regions of the United States through utilization of pharmacists. |
2019 |
(04-19) |
New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports inclusion of pharmacy technicians in pharmacist-led medication reconciliation services to improve patient safety and transitions of care. |
2019 |
(05-19) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the establishment of Medication Safety Leader or equivalent position, a dedicated pharmacist who is directly responsible for and leads health system strategies to prevent medication related errors, implement and manage risk reduction strategies, and improve medication-use practices. |
2019 |
(06-19) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the use and implementation of USP <795> pharmaceutical compounding non-sterile products, USP <797> compounding of sterile preparations and USP <800> for hazardous drug handling in all settings where medications are handled and or compounded for patient care. |
2019 |
(08-19) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the recommendation to request that all New York State schools of pharmacy offer the opportunity to obtain a Bachelors in Professional Studies Degree to the students enrolled in their professional program with additional areas of study and opportunities in the career of pharmacy. |
2018 |
(01-18) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the involvement of pharmacists in the selection and approval of evidence-based medical information resources and mobile health devices that involve pharmacotherapy and medication management. |
2018 |
(02-18) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the development of clear, concrete, and enforceable standards to support electronic medical record interoperability with the goal of improving the meaningful use of secure electronic health data. |
2018 |
(03-18) |
NYSCHP opposes any and all additional fees, taxes or costs added onto medications, devices, durable medical equipment by the state, cities, counties, villages and towns in the State of New York. |
2018 |
(04-18) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Standard for Certification as a Center of Excellence in Medication-Use Safety and Pharmacy Practice as reflecting the contemporary best practices for hospital and health-system pharmacy practice. |
2018 |
(05-18) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports pharmacists having a right to participate or decline to participate in medical aid in dying for terminally ill patients without retribution, were it to be legal within New York State. |
Pediatrics |
2017 |
(01-17) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the recommendation to request of all EMR systems to provide age specific pediatric laboratory value and monitoring reference ranges. |
Informatics |
Hazardous Drugs |
2017 |
(02-17) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists petitions ASHP and the FDA to require that manufacturers adopt a practice of appropriately decontaminating the exterior of containers and packaging materials for hazardous drugs prior to transport. Furthermore, such products should be transported and stored in a device/tote that isolates the hazardous drug and prevents contamination should a product become broken, damaged, or destroyed. Such device/tote should be segregated from non-hazardous drug transport and should be dedicated solely to hazardous drug transport. |
Public Health |
2017 |
(03-17) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists opposes the establishment of a philosophical exemption from school immunization requirements in New York state. |
Immunization |
Clinical Resources |
2017 |
(04-17) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists encourages manufacturers to conduct more research on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in patients receiving continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) to ensure appropriate antimicrobial dosing. The Council also encourages manufacturers to include detailed information on the characteristics of individuals who are on CRRT in drug dosing studies. |
Investigational |
Public Health |
2017 |
(05-17) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists believes that all Americans should have the option to have health insurance and thereby supports access to affordable, equitable, and quality healthcare for all. |
Clinical Resources |
2017 |
(06-17) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists encourages manufacturers to conduct more research on the pharmacokinetics and clinical efficacy of medications in obese population as defined by BMI. |
Student Development |
2017 |
(07-17) |
NYSCHP invites all pharmacists and technicians practicing within health-systems, including ambulatory and community settings, to join the organization and engage in Council activities and initiatives to collaborate across the continuum of care. Further, NYSCHP advocates for, represents, and educates practitioners in those settings. |
Public Health |
2017 |
(08-17) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists opposes any singular drug price increase that make access to medications cost-prohibitive to patients and the healthcare system, and therefore, support the inclusion of medications as “essential consumer goods1” in New York State’s price gouging laws (general business law § 396-r). |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2017 |
(09-17) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the inclusion of infectious diseases pharmacists to serve as part of the multidisciplinary decision-making process with outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) service from the initiation of long term parenteral antimicrobials upon discharge to the continuity of outpatient care. New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the role of infectious diseases pharmacist in OPAT program to improve patient safety, clinical efficacy, optimize resource utilization, and decrease health care expenditures which align with the fundamental goals of antimicrobial stewardship as recommended by the centers for disease control. |
Antimicrobial Stewardship |
Intern |
2017 |
(10-17) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the development of a suggested structured pharmacy intern role within the healthcare system setting to optimize their concurrent training and unique skillset within the pharmacy team. |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
Medication Safety |
2017 |
(11-17) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports ASHP efforts in the development of standardized adult medication concentrations and to minimize the number of available concentrations in order to reduce medication errors. Furthermore, The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports manufacturer production of standardized concentrations as listed in the aforementioned ASHP reference. |
Public Health |
2017 |
(12-17) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the continued ability of covered entities to participate in the 340b program to allow covered entities “to stretch scarce federal resources as far as possible, reaching more eligible patients and providing more comprehensive services,” as indicated in the federal register 82.3 (2017). |
Pharmacy Finance |
Reimbursement |
Government Oversight |
(13-17) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the development of fair and consistent standards and guidelines for auditing pharmacies. |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
(14-17) |
NYSCHP advocates for key decision making roles for pharmacists in the planning, selection, design, and implementation, and maintenance of medication-use information systems, electronic health records, computerized provider order entry systems, automated dispensing technologies and e-prescribing systems to facilitate clinical decision support, data analysis, and education of users for the purpose of ensuring the safe and effective use of medications; further, NYSCHP advocates that pharmacists must have accountability for strategic planning and direct operational aspects of the medication-use process, including the successful deployment of medication-use information systems; further, NYSCHP supports that pharmacists engaged in the design, implementation and maintenance of these systems have academic and/or experiential credentials (for example IT Certificate program, informatics residency, and EMR training certification) to help ensure process efficiencies while minimizing patient safety risk in the medication use process. |
Informatics |
Public Health |
2017 |
(15-17) |
NYSCHP supports expanded access to oral contraceptives through a proposed intermediate category of drug products that would be available from all pharmacists. The Council also supports that the proposed reclassification of oral contraceptives shall be accompanied by coverage changes by third-party payers to ensure that patient access is not compromised and that pharmacists are reimbursed for the clinical services provided. |
Government Oversight |
Technicians |
2016 |
(01-16) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the formation of affiliations between health-system pharmacies and ASHP/ACPE-accredited pharmacy technician training programs and/or programs seeking ASHP/ACPE-accreditation. |
Education/ Training |
Antimicrobial Stewardship |
2016 |
(02-16) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports antimicrobial stewardship in all facets of healthcare such as inpatient, outpatient and long term settings by developing newer or expanding existing programs and auditing their effectiveness. The council also supports to increase the number of PGY2 programs and/or fellowship training programs in infectious disease to achieve the demands laid out by the US government by 2020. |
Pediatrics |
2016 |
(03-16) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the development of a standardized pediatrics and neonatal intravenous medication concentration reference. Subsequently, the council supports manufacturer production of commercially available intravenous medication solutions with availability in the standardized concentrations. |
Clinical Resources |
Public Health |
2016 |
(04-16) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports legislation and regulation to allow the food and drug administration (FDA) approval of biosimilar medications that are also determined by the FDA to be interchangeable and, therefore, may be substituted for the reference product without the intervention of the prescriber. The Council also encourages research on the safety, effectiveness, and interchangeability of biosimilar medication and encourages education of pharmacists about biosimilar medications and their appropriate use within hospitals and health systems. |
Government Oversight |
Pharmacy Finance |
2016 |
(05-16) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists opposes PBM exclusion of healthsystem pharmacy owned specialty pharmacies as a covered pharmacy under their preferred network for patients who are patients of the health-system. |
Public Health |
2016 |
(06-16) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the development and implementation of an online vaccination registry for adult patients to ensure that providers across the state have the most up-to-date vaccination information for their patients. |
Informatics |
Government Oversight |
Technicians |
2016 |
(07-16) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports certified and registered pharmacy technicians, under the supervision of a registered pharmacist, to prepare patient-specific medications in New York State. |
Government Oversight |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2015 |
(01-15) |
The New York State Council Of Health-system Pharmacists Supports The Implementation Of Geriatric Medication Therapy Management And Individualized Patient Counseling To Optimize Outcomes By Pharmacists, In Ambulatory Settings. |
Public Health |
Geriatrics |
Informatics |
2015 |
(2-15) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists supports that patient safety information listed within patient history information shall include the patient's fall risk status on all pharmacy patient profiles in both the inpatient and outpatient settings, for patients in New York State. |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2015 |
(3-15) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists supports the inclusion of pharmacists in the screening, documentation, and clarification of drug allergies in electronic medical records. Thereby, pharmacists have a larger role in shaping appropriate pharmacotherapy and documentation of the allergy label. |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2015 |
(4-15) |
The New York State Council of Health-System pharmacists advocate that pharmacy leaders throughout the state advocate for adoption of regional health information organizations (RHIOS) within their institutions and for pharmacists to have access and become involved in how the RHIO is utilized. |
Informatics |
Public Health |
Drug Shortages |
2015 |
(7-15) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists Encourages the FDA to expedite the process of outsourcing medically necessary drugs from outside the U.S. to temporarily alleviate the critical drug shortage. Drug shortages pose a serious threat to patients until the resolution of shortage by the U.S. manufacturers, especially when the shortage is expected to be long term. |
Government Oversight |
Pharmacy Finance |
2015 |
(8-15) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists supports the expansion of billing for CDTM services in New York State by instituting a payment structure guided by the level of cognitive services provided. |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
Public Health |
2015 |
(9-15) |
The New York State Council Of Health-System Pharmacists encourages the New York State Board of Pharmacy to create a provision within the rules and regulations applying to the practice of pharmacy to allow pharmacists to dispense a limited supply of medication to patients who are unable to obtain a prescription or access their usual source of supply for the purpose of prescription medication therapy continuity. |
Government Oversight |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2015 |
(10-15) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists petitions that The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) publish a guidance document for governing bodies in the healthcare setting to recognize pharmacists as their own separate entity. |
Government Oversight |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2015 |
(11-15) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists supports the utilization of pharmacists to the fullest extent of the scope of practice in public emergencies in accord with any executive order created during the public emergency. |
Public Health |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2015 |
(13-15) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists supports the pharmacists active participation in the design, implementation and monitoring of the medication reconciliation process. |
Medication Safety |
Technicians |
2014 |
(1-14) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists advocates that pharmacists should have access to patients’ current and historic tobacco use status. This information should be viewed by the pharmacist as an opportunity to ensure safe pharmaceutical care and engage in evidence-based tobacco cessation education. |
Education/ Training |
Public Health |
2014 |
(2-14) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists advocates for a ban on the sale and/or distribution of tobacco, electronic cigarettes or any of their components in all pharmacies or pharmacy departments. |
Government Oversight |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2014 |
(3-14) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports expansion of pharmacists scope of practice under New York State Education Law Title VIII Article 137 §6801; definition of practice of pharmacy to include ordering and interpreting clinical laboratory tests to monitor patient therapy and initiate and modify medications to optimize therapy and improve patient outcomes. |
Government Oversight |
Public Health |
Government Oversight |
2014 |
(4-14) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports reclassification of marijuana to promote clinical trial development and improved oversight of production and prescribing, thus facilitating safe and consistent dispensing to allow therapy continuation under the regulations put forth by the New York State Controlled Substance Law. |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2014 |
(6-14) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports that it is within the pharmacist’s professional role to collaborate with other health care providers. This includes ordering and interpreting clinical laboratory tests to monitor therapy; and initiating and modifying the medication regimen; all to optimize therapy and improve patient outcomes. |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2014 |
(7-14) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the practice of pharmacists who perform Collaborative Drug Therapy Management (CDTM) to be inclusive of all practice settings. Pharmacists qualified to practice CDTM should be enabled to practice to the extent of their scope of practice. |
Technicians |
2014 |
(9-14) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the registration of pharmacy technicians. After a registration process is in place, those applying to work as a pharmacy technician in NYS shall meet the minimal educational requirements of a high school diploma or GED, be at least 18 years of age (unless reviewed and waived by the board of pharmacy). Applications for registration as a pharmacy technician should occur prior to employment, but must occur within three months of any employment in a NYS pharmacy practice setting, if not already registered. |
Technicians |
2014 |
(10-14) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the certification of all pharmacy technicians with certification being a requirement for a new hire within Article 28 facilities. Certification shall include successful demonstration of all competencies by an examination satisfactory to the Board of Pharmacy. |
Technicians |
2014 |
(14-14) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists recommends that pharmaceutical manufacturers provide all medications used in health-systems in unit dose packages with readable scan codes on each dose and that the Food and Drug Administration be urged to support this goal in the interest of public health and patient safety. |
Education/ Training |
Technicians |
2014 |
(15-14) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports wider involvement of pharmacists and pharmacy interns in medication reconciliation activities during all care transitions and patient counseling on all discharge prescriptions. |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2013 |
(2-13) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the recognition of pharmacists as healthcare providers under the Social Security Act, and, therefore, may receive Medicare reimbursement for patient care services rendered. |
Government Oversight |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2013 |
(3-13) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports pharmacists implementing and monitoring compliance with Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS) Programs with healthcare providers. |
Medication Safety |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2013 |
(4-13) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the credentialing process of eligible pharmacists in a health-system setting. |
Government Oversight |
2013 |
(6-13) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports FDA regulations that would prohibit the continued use of an existing proprietary name when an over-the counter product is reformulated to contain one or more different active ingredients. |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2013 |
(7-13) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports changes to New York state law to allow pharmacists to serve as laboratory directors for limited-service laboratories performing “CLIA-waived” testing. |
Government Oversight |
Government Oversight |
2013 |
(8-13) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports revision to New York state law Article 33 and pertinent federal regulation(s) to allow the use of a hospitalized patient’s own controlled substances in those instances that the institution cannot provide the controlled substance in a timely manner; be it further resolved that the New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports revision to New York state health law Article 33 and pertinent federal regulation(s) to allow hospital pharmacies to accept patient’s own controlled substances for the purpose of safeguarding and storage while a patient is admitted. |
Medication Safety |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2013 |
(10-13) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the adoption of ASHP’s Practice Advancement Initiative which advocates to significantly advance the health and well-being of patients in hospitals and health systems by developing and disseminating optimal pharmacy practice models that are based on the effective use of pharmacists and pharmacist extenders as direct patient care providers leveraging technology in the process. |
Medication Safety |
2012 |
(1-12) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists supports the requirement to include the indication, whether it be an FDA approved or off label use, on all inpatient medication orders and outpatient prescriptions. |
Government Oversight |
Education/ Training |
2012 |
(3-12) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists (NYSCHP) supports increasing the number of PGY-1 and PGY-2 residency positions within NY State, by ways of supporting educational efforts offered through ASHP and legislative activities at the State and Federal level to support funding. |
Education/ Training |
2012 |
(5-12) |
NYSCHP encourage the NYS Board of Pharmacy to replace the “one year of satisfactory experience” requirement to that of “successful completion of an ASHP accredited PGY1 program” for residents reciprocating their Pharmacist license. |
Medication Safety |
2012 |
(6-12) |
The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacist’s advocates that all hospitals should encourage provisions be made for their patients upon discharge to receive a supply of all newly prescribed medications and the education that is required to ensure the optimization and safe use of their discharge medications. |
Medication Safety |
2012 |
(7-12) |
NYSCHP advocates that patient specific information regarding pharmacogenomics if available and considered standard of care should be included in patient profiles. |
Education/ Training |
2012 |
(9-12) |
NYSCHP believes all licensed pharmacists can benefit from education focused on preceptor development, role modeling, teaching, or mentoring. NYSCHP recommends pharmacists receive at least two hours of continuing education focused on teaching or preceptorship in the 45 hours over the three year license renewal period. |
Medication Safety |
2011 |
(1-11) |
The NYSCHP supports pharmaceutical waste disposal programs for hospitals and health systems that are in accordance with Federal and New York State regulations and also comply with national accreditation standards. The NYSCHP believes that all hospital and health system personnel require a solid knowledge of what constitutes pharmaceutical waste and proper disposal of this waste. Controlled substances should be managed in accordance with DEA and NYS regulations in conjunction with Federal and NYS hazardous waste regulations. The NYSCHP further supports development of a standardized training program for all hospital and health system personnel. |
Government Oversight |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2011 |
(2-11) |
Position statement on the role of the Pharmacist in the “Medical Home” concept The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists supports the inclusion of pharmacists as a care provider within the health care (medical) home model.1 Pharmacists can affect the delivery of primary care by addressing the challenges of medication therapy management. Most office visits involve medications for chronic conditions and require assessment of medication effectiveness, and patients’ adherence with medication regimens. Pharmacists are often underused in conducting these activities. They perform comprehensive therapy reviews of prescribed and self-care medications, resolve medication-related problems, optimize complex regimens, design adherence programs, and |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2010 |
(4-10) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports health-system pharmacists use of the medical record as a means to communicate with other health care professionals and to document specific pharmacotherapeutic recommendations to optimize patient outcomes. |
Education/ Training |
2009 |
(1-09) |
The New York State Council of Health System Pharmacists develop a program to increase awareness of and promote the opportunities and benefits of being a mentor to pharmacy students and pharmacists who seek further professional development. |
Informatics |
2009 |
(2-09) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists advocates for the implementation of regulations and guidelines to ensure that vendors providing computerized physician order entry systems, drug infusion pumps, and other technologies utilized for medication order entry, distribution and administration, are in alignment with nationally accepted standards and practices for safe medication use. |
Government Oversight |
Medication Safety |
Medication Safety |
2009 |
(14-09) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports ASHP’s position on Pain management and - further supports the following: 1. The insurance of the safe use of opioids, with more focused monitoring for adverse drug events along with appropriately reporting of events to insure appropriate follow up and prevention of future events, 2. The monitoring of appropriate health care worker practices to ensure safety for all patients and caregivers, including monitoring for diversion and/or potential abuse, 3. Participation in education of families and the public on appropriate precautions and the importance of comfort care, 4. Ensuring the availability of appropriate pain therapy when needed – considering timeliness and patient need, 5. Cost effective management of pain for the patient and care givers, 6. Involvement in the management of unavoidable adverse events related to pain management, and 7. Simplifying the processes related to pain management, for example use of technology and algorithms, to the extent possible. |
Medication Safety |
2008 |
(1-08) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists strongly supports the development of programs encouraging proper disposal of unused medications as well as reduction of medication waste generated by all disciplines in order to minimize environmental contamination and drug diversion. |
Government Oversight |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2008 |
(3-08) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the involvement of pharmacists and pharmacy interns in medication reconciliation activities and patient education. The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists additionally supports the involvement of pharmacy technicians in obtaining medication histories as a component of the medication reconciliation process. |
Education/ Training |
2007 |
(1-07) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists requires that health-systems in New York State establish and maintain minimum clinical and operational competencies and educational, certification, and leadership training requirements for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians pertinent to the various types of health-system practice settings within the organization and requires pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in all health-system practice settings to continually maintain leadership, clinical and operational competencies appropriate to the area of practice and expertise and requires that health-systems in New York State ensure pharmacists and pharmacy technicians demonstrate, through competency assessment and documentation, clinical, operational and leadership competencies appropriate to the area of practice and expertise and advocates the use of professionally recognized competency assessment tools to routinely assess and document, clinical, operational and leadership competency of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in health-systems in New York State. |
Informatics |
2007 |
(2-07) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the utilization of safe and efficient systems and processes for remote medication order entry services that meet all local, state and federal regulations, and comply with the Joint Commission’s medication management standards and the American Society of Health-system Pharmacists’ Guidelines on Outsourcing Pharmaceutical Services. |
Medication Safety |
Education/ Training |
2007 |
(6-07) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the modification of Part III of the NYS Pharmacy Board Exam to include competency assessment of the application of clinical and operational pharmacy practice knowledge and skills. |
Government Oversight |
Pharmacy Finance |
2007 |
(8-07) |
NYSCHP supports a New York State legislative act which requires health insurers to provide a mechanism of reimbursement for pharmacy services rendered. |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
Government Oversight |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2007 |
(9-07) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports that health-system pharmacy leaders establish policies and procedures for health-system pharmacists responding to advanced cardiac life support and pediatric code life support situations. |
Public Health |
2007 |
(11-07) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports amending the New York State Education Law to create and support a private organization to engage in advertisement, outreach, and counseling of pharmacists who are, or may be, suffering from addictive disease or other problems that may result in the impairment of the ability to safely and effectively practice the profession. |
Public Health |
2007 |
(12-07) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports the development of a campaign to educate pharmacists serving the community in various settings and employ the cooperation of said pharmacists in promoting the medication reconciliation process across the continuum of patient care. |
Government Oversight |
2006 |
(1-06) |
NYSCHP supports repealing the laws and regulations that pharmacists be United States citizens or permanent residents in order to be licensed in New York State. |
Education/ Training |
2006 |
(3-06) |
NYSCHP supports educational efforts to promote pharmacy residencies in New York State. The experience gained in a residency can be compared to several years of experience in the same practice area and pharmacists continue to evolve into more clinical patient care roles. The importance of having high quality residency training available becomes more apparent and the number of residency seeking pharmacy graduates exceeds the number of available residency positions and NYS is lagging behind in the number of residencies offered throughout the state. |
Informatics |
2006 |
(5-06) |
NYSCHP supports the health-system Pharmacist's Role in Automation and Informatics. The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists believes that pharmacists have the unique knowledge, expertise, and responsibility to assume a leadership role in automation initiatives and clinical informatics in healthsystems, further, as health-systems develop plans for the adoption of health information technology and associated automation, pharmacists must integrate their knowledge of information systems and the medicationuse process to improve patient care by insuring that new technologies lead to more effective, more efficient and safer medication use, and, health-system pharmacists must advocate for and initiate changes in processes and workflow associated with automated systems and health information technology to maximize the safety and effectiveness of these innovations within all health-system settings. |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
Public Health |
2006 |
(6-06) |
NYSCHP supports the health-system Pharmacist’s Right of Conscience and Patient’s Right to Access to Therapy. The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists recognizes the right of pharmacists and their pharmacy employees to decline to participate in therapies due to moral, religious or ethical reasons; further, supports that pharmacists and other pharmacy employees have a responsibility to inform employers of situations where they would decline to participate in therapies due to moral, religious, or ethical reasons; further supports that employers, once notified of a pharmacist or pharmacy employee’s intent to decline participation in therapies due to moral, religious, or ethical reasons, proactively establish systems that protect the patient’s right to obtain legally prescribed and medically indicated treatments which are available from that pharmacy, while reasonably accommodating, in a non-punitive manner, the right of conscience; further, advocates that a pharmacist or pharmacy employee exercising the right of conscience must respect and serve the legitimate health care needs and desires of the patient Further, if there is only one pharmacist on duty, a patient’s right to access means that they cannot be unduly burdened by having to visit another pharmacy or health care setting for an otherwise legally prescribing, medically indicated treatment, available at that pharmacy/setting. |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2005 |
(2-05) |
New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists Statement on the Comprehensive Role of the Health-system Pharmacist. The NYSCHP recognizes and supports the various multidimensional roles of the health-system pharmacist necessary to meet and exceed the demands and expectations of patients and healthcare providers in all types of health-system pharmacy practice settings in the 21st century. Further, the NYSCHP advocates that pharmacists with a wide range of education, skill sets, and competencies be required to work collaboratively to provide the full range of services necessary to the provision of direct and indirect patient care services. |
Education/ Training |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2005 |
(3-05) |
New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists Statement on the Role of the Healthsystem Pharmacist in Pain Management. The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists (NYSCHP) strongly believes that pharmacists should assume accountability for professional competency in pain management concepts and therapy options. Further the (NYSCHP) recommends that hospital and health-system pharmacists, in collaboration with other health care providers, perform pain assessments and implement rational and individualized approaches to pain management for their patients. Further, pharmacists are strongly encouraged to be proactive in disseminating pain management information to patients and other health professionals. |
Public Health |
2005 |
(4-05) |
New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists Statement on the Role of the Healthsystem Pharmacist in Emergency Preparedness. The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists (NYSCHP) believes that health-system pharmacists must assertively exercise their leadership role and responsibilities in preparing for and responding to large-scale disasters. Further, leaders of emergency planning at the state and local levels must call upon pharmacists to participate in the full range of issues related to pharmaceuticals used in large scale emergency situations. |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
2005 |
(5-05) |
New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists Statement on the Role of the Healthsystem Pharmacist in Drug Product Selection. The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists (NYSCHP) advocates that decisions on the management of a medication formulary system, including but not limited to therapeutic interchange and generic substitution; (1) should be based on clinical, ethical, legal, social, philosophical, quality-of-life, safety, and pharmacoeconomic factors that result in optimal patient care, and (2) must include the active and direct involvement of physicians, pharmacists, and other appropriate health care professionals. Further, the NYSCHP advocates that decisions on the management of a medication formulary system should not be based solely on economic factors." |
Medication Safety |
Pharmacy Finance |
Medication Safety |
2003 |
(3-03) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists recommends that pharmacists seek assurance that entries into all Computerized Prescriber Order Entry systems require pharmacist verification prior to medication administration in institutional settings, except in those instances when review would cause a medically unacceptable delay. |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
Informatics |
Medication Safety |
2000 |
(1-00) |
Pharmacist Role in Fail Safe Medication Use. The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports and encourages the establishment of a standardized system of reporting medication errors. The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists promotes voluntary reporting of medication errors which is non-punitive, stressing quality improvement and future prevention. |
Public Health |
Medication Safety |
2000 |
(3-00) |
ASHP Guidelines for Preventing Medication Errors in Health-Systems. The role of the pharmacist is to ensure that patients make the best use of medication and to prevent, detect and resolve drug-related problems that can result in patient harm. Therefore, the New York State Council of Healthsystem Pharmacists supports and adopts ASHP’s guidelines for preventing medication errors in health-systems. |
Immunization |
1994 |
(2-94) |
The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports pharmacists playing a vital role in maintaining and promoting public health. Health-system pharmacists can improve public health by providing population-based care; developing disease prevention and control programs; providing health education; collaborating with state and local authorities to address local and regional health care needs, including emergency preparedness and response; advocating for sound legislation, regulations, and public policy regarding disease prevention and management; and engaging in public health research. |
Clinical Pharmacy Scope |
Administrative |
1993 |
(1-93) |
NYSCHP Mission Statement. The mission of the New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists is to represent its members and advance pharmacy as an essential component of health care. |
Investigational |
1986 |
(1-86) |
Clinical Investigations. The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists supports randomized clinical investigations and that age should not be a primary reason for exclusion in clinical trials for drugs for use in the elderly and non-elderly populations. |
Public Health |