Pharmacy Students

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NYSCHP Pharmacy Student Membership per year: $20 each year

Student Essay Contest

Corporate Member Scholarship Award Essay Topic:

  • Please describe the role of artificial intelligence in transforming hospital pharmacy practices and healthcare delivery.  Be specific to include tangible examples.


Contestant must be in their final two (2) years of pharmacy school in New York State. Contestants don’t need to be a NYSCHP member to participate. Student must write an essay based on the prompt; 1000-word maximum. Students should submit their essay as a Word document (or similarly editable file). A cover page is not required, but the essay document should include the student’s full name, email address, school of pharmacy, and class/year in their program in addition to the essay itself. A bibliography is not required for submission, but references when used should be cited appropriately. Essays will be judged on (1) introduction, (2) justification, (3) conclusion, (4) originality, and (5) salience. 


Students should submit their essay for consideration to their program's faculty liaison who will forward all entries that meet the minimum criteria for submission to the NYSCHP office ( Submissions are due to the NYSCHP office by close of business on Friday, January 31, 2025. Faculty liaisons may set an earlier submission cut-off date to ensure their program’s entries can be submitted to the NYSCHP office by the deadline. The Director of Industry Relations and committee members will judge submissions. Essays become property of NYSCHP upon submission.


The recipient will notified via email upon the committee’s decision. The recipient will receive complimentary registration to the NYSCHP Annual Assembly, accommodations for one night, and admission to the banquet. The recipient will receive recognition at the Annual Assembly Installation Banquet. The recipient will receive a one year membership to NYSCHP. The recipient’s essay will be published in the NYSCHP Newsbrief.

CONTACT: Please direct any questions to Liz Cobb.

Pharmacy School Liaisons to NYSCHP 

 Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Nicole Lodise 


Wesley Kufel


Talisa Marchese

Long Island University

Maria Longo

St. John's University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Kimberly Ng

St. John Fisher College Wegmans School of Pharmacy

Matthew Zak

Touro College of Pharmacy

Justin Andrade

University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Nicole Cieri-Hutcherson


Scholarship Award Winners:

  • 2024: Rhonda A. Moton, Touro College of Pharmacy
  • 2023: Mei Li, Binghamton University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • 2019: Krishna Daiya, University at Buffalo, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • 2018: Mariam Gawdat, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
  • 2017: Lauren Aronin, Touro College
  • 2016 : Emil Joseph, Touro College
  • 2015: Fawad Piracha, St. John's University
  • 2014: Christine Nguyen, Touro College