
Founded in 1958 as the New York State Council of Hospital Pharmacists, the New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists is a professional society of pharmacists, pharmacy technical personnel, students, industry personnel, and others interested in the advancement of pharmacy as an essential component of health care.  Members coordinate pharmaceutical care for patients in ambulatory, long-term, managed, home and acute care settings.  NYSCHP is also the State affiliate of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

To Become a Member or Renew Your Membership, Click Here!

To view our Membership brochure click here

Click here for PDF Membership Application.  

NYSCHP Membership is available in a number of categories:

Active Member Types




Active licensed pharmacists


Joint Member Primary

Spousal Rate -- Joint Member Primary pays regular Pharmacy Member dues of $255.  The Joint Member Secondary pays a reduced rate of $125 $255/$125

Pharmacist Pledge

For pharmacists who would like to experience the benefits of a NYSCHP membership at a discount for their first year.  It is only available to those who have not been an active NYSCHP member for the past three years. Members who held resident membership during the past year are eligible for pledge membership. $125

Retired Pharmacist

For retired pharmacists.  $100

Resident Member

Pharmacists actively engaged in postgraduate residency training. $60 

Associate Member Types:


Associate Member

For those who contribute through a company pharmacy practice.   $255

Student Member

Students enrolled in a full-time undergraduate or graduate pharmacy program in an accredited college of pharmacy    

Students may select a primary and secondary chapter at no additional cost. Any additional chapter starting at a third chapter is a $10.00 charge per chapter.


Technical Pledge

For technical personnel in their first post-year graduation to experience the benefits of a NYSCHP membership at a one year discounted dues amount  $25

Pharmacy Technical

Pharmacy Technicians $50

*NOTICE: The Internal Revenue Service has determined that association dues are not deductible as a charitable expense. Since a portion of the organization's annual budget goes towards lobbying expenses these dues are not deductible. *

To Become a Member or Renew Your Membership, Click Here!


Frequently Asked Questions about NYSCHP

1.  What are the benefits of being a member the New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists (NYSCHP)?

As a member of NYSCHP, there are a number of benefits for you.  NYSCHP offers:

  • A network of Pharmacists and other like professionals across New York State that can provide you with networking opportunities, career growth and opportunities to enhance your clinical and leadership skills.
  • Subscription to the Journal of Pharmacy Practice, on line Continuing Education, as well as a number of other educational programs through out the year.
  • Membership in your local chapter
  • Opportunities to participate in advocacy in New York State and access to the current legislative developments.

2.  How do I join NYSCHP?

Go to New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists website,  Once there; go to the “Membership” tab, then click on "Become a member", click on individual, click on your desired membership type (P-Pharmacist).  Then enter your username :(FirstnameLastname), password: NYSCHP.  You may also want to print out a copy of this transaction or payment receipt for your records.

3.  How do I renew my NYSCHP membership?

On the New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists website, ( select member’s login in   Enter your user name [(FirstnameLastname), password: NYSCHP or your password if you have changed it].   From here, you can view your balance due and renew from there.

4.  What is the NYSCHP yearly membership cycle?

All membership are active for 1 year from date of payment. Example: Payment posted 6/15/2011, expires 6/14/2012.

5.  Does my membership include membership to my local chapter/affiliate?

Yes, all active membership includes 1 primary Chapter affiliate of their choice.

6.  How do I obtain my membership log on and password?

Member login is on the right side or at the top of the page, Enter your user name: (FirstnameLastname), password: NYSCHP.  You may change your password once you log in.

7.  How to I update my profile?

Login in via the Member login, on the right side, just above the Calendar.

8.  How do I obtain Continuing Pharmacy Education credits

For instructions on how to obtain your CE credits, click here.

9.  How do I refer a member?

  • When they complete the on line application, the new member should enter your name in the sponsor section.
  • The Council Office is available to assist Monday- Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm, 518-456-8819.
  • Applications can also be obtained from the Council office by emailing

10.  What are the membership categories and dues?

There are a number of membership categories available. 

  • Pharmacists:  Active member or Active Pledge 1 (graduate in the last 12 months) Active Pledge 2 (graduated in the last 13-24 months.   Joint Member for husband/wife membership, and retired memberships.
  • For non pharmacists:  Supporting memberships are available for those who contribute to pharmacy practice.
  • For Pharmacy students, residents, or technicians there are 1 year memberships also.  

11.  What publications does NYSCHP offer to  members?

The Journal of Pharmacy Practice is mailed out to members every other month.  This contains articles with CE associated with them.  NYSCHP news brief e-mailed monthly and also posted on the website.

12.  How can I get more involved with NYSCHP as a volunteer?

Contact your chapter president or other board member, OR reaching out to the NYSCHP office or NYSCHP representive at a local meeting.