Introducing the NYSCHP Pharmacy Technician Member Mentorship Program!

Mentor a new Pharmacy Technician Member—in any chapter—and the pharmacy technician gets NYSCHP membership at a discounted rate!

Interested in becoming a pharmacy technician mentor? Here are the program requirements:

  • Sponsor a new technician member’s first year of membership at a discounted rate of $25.00
  • Accompany your mentee to at least one NYSCHP or local chapter event during their first year of membership
  • Discuss career goals and/or opportunities for pharmacy technician participation within NYSCHP, or other practice areas
  • Reply to our semi-annual check-in surveys to let us know how your mentorship experience is going and how we can make it even better

Other benefits:

  • The discounted membership rate will be extended directly to the technician member for their second year of membership, as well!

How do I mentor a new Pharmacy Technician Member?

Email Tell us your name and your mentee’s name and we’ll reply with instructions to become part of the mentorship program!