The New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists Research and Education Foundation

Coming right after the New Year...the launch of the REF's new website and online resources for donors and grant applicants. Stay tuned!
Restricted and Unrestricted contributions:
BY CHECK: Check made payable to the New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists Research and Education Foundation sent to Bruce Pleskow, REF Treasurer 77 Aspinwood Place, Buffalo, NY 14223-1515
Indicate the restricted gift instructions in the memo section of your check, if applicable.
Unrestricted contributions:
BY CREDIT CARD: Please access the Foundation’s Square account using this QR code:

NOTE: comments re: the contribution cannot be left on the Square site
NYSCHP REF Board of Directors 2023 - 2024
- Joe Pinto, Chair (Mount Sinai Health System)
- Gerry Meglio, (Treasurer) (Eli Lilly & Company)
- Amisha Arya, Chair Rebranding Committee (NYU Langone)
- Angela Cheng, NYSCHP BOD Liaison (Montefiore)
- Heide Christensen, Chair Awards Committee (CHSLI Good Samaritan)
- Henry Cohen, Research Summit, (Touro College of Pharmacy)
- Shaun Flynn, Exec. Secretary (NYSCHP)
- Marcia Gutfeld, Foundation Grants (Retired)
- Christopher Jadoch, (Roswell Park)
- Maabo Kludze, (Premier)
- Wesley Kufel, Summit Research (Binghamton Univ)
- Rosario Lazzaro, REF Summit Committee (NYU Langone)
- Chung-Shien Lee, (St. John’s University)
- Christina Lombardi, (St.Peter’s Health Partners)
- John Manzo, Past Chair (Mount Sinai Brooklyn)
- Lisa Phillips, Grants Committee and Website Design (St. John’s Fisher College / Upstate University Hospital)
- Bruce Pleskow, Past Treasurer (Retired)
- Melissa Porricelli, Rebranding Committee, (Novo Nordisk)
- Al Volkl, Grants Committee (Johnson and Johnson)
NYSCHP REF 2022 Industry Sponsors
- Alexion AstraZeneca Rare Diseases
- AstraZeneca - Oncology
- AstraZeneca - Vaccine and Immune Therapy
- AstraZeneca - Cardiovascular
- Athenex
- Boehringer-ingelheim
- Chemocentryx
- Chiesi
- FFF Enterprises
- Fresenius-Kabi
- Genentech
- Genixus
- Grifols
- Heron Therapeutics
- Indivior
- Jannsen
- Lilly
- Mallinckrodt
- Merck
- Novo Nordisk
- Pfizer
- Pharmacosmos Therapeutics Inc.
- Provepharm Inc.
- Sagent Pharmaceuticals
- SCA Pharma
- STAQ Pharma
- Takeda
Completed applications should be submitted electronically to by the deadline of January 17th, 2025 @ 11:59 PM. Please read the application carefully to avoid disqualification of your submission.
Bernard Mehl Leadership Award Recipients
- 2016 Robert DiGregorio, PharmD, FNAP, BCACP
- 2017 Joanne Meyer, BS, MS, PharmD
- 2018 Kimberly T. Zammit, PharmD, MPH, BCPS, BCCCP, FASHP
- 2019 Vickie Powell, BS, PharmD, MS, FASHP
- 2021 Henry Cohen, BS, MS, PharmD, FCCM, BCPP, BCGP
- 2022 Leigh Briscoe-Dwyer PharmD, BCPS, FASHP
- 2023 Thomas P Lombardi, BS, PharmD, RPh, FASHP
- 2024 Thomas E. O'Brien, BS, PharmD, MS, FASHP
NYSCHP REF Award Recipients
Dr. Henry Cohen Glaxo Award: Comparison of Intermittent Infusion vs. Continuous Infusion of Cefuroxime in the Treatment of Lower Respiratory Infections Geriatric Award: Alteration in Theophylline Protein Binding in Critically Ill Patients Steven Benkert, RPh Merck Award: Impact of Monitoring Peak and Trough Plasma Vancomycin Levels Versus Trough Plasma Levels Only on Prescribing Habits and Patient Care: An Outcomes Analysis Rashella Minsteris Pfizer Award: Knowledge of Preventive Behavior of Osteoporosis in Women of Various Age Groups: A survey Dr. Damary Castanheira Robert Wood Johnson Ortho Award: The Effects of Antimicrobial Drug Therapy on Acid Fast Bacilli Smear Negative, Culture Positive Mycobacteria Screening in HIV Positive Patients Dr. Laurie Briceland Demonstration Project Grant: Facilitation and Documentation of PharmD Clerkship Students’ Provision of Pharmaceutical Care by Palmtop Computerization
Dr. Darren Culshaw Pfizer Award: The Impact of MHG Automatic Conversion Program: Atorvastain, Fluvastatin and Pravastatin to Simvastatin Dr. Roy Guharoy Lederle Research Award: National Survey of Therapeutic Substitution Policies and Practices in Academic and Non-academic Hospitals Xue-Min Huang UpJohn Research Award: ThePrevalence of Using an ACE-1 in the Diabetic Patient
Dr. Roy Guharoy Seymour and Elizabeth Katz Award: Non-punitive Medication Error Reporting Systems
Eric Hopson and Nancy Waite Demonstration Project Grant: Refining a Pharmacy-Managed Adult Pnuemococcal Vaccination Model
Dr. Jeanne Marraffa Pfizer Award: TheSsignificance of CYP 2D6 Inhibition by Propoxyphene Dr. Patrick Smith UpJohn Award: Effect of St. John’s Wort on the Pharmacokinetics of Imatinib in Health Volunteers Dr. Bishoy Luka Merck Award: Cost-Effectiveness of Fomepizole Versus Ethanol in the Management of Acute Ethylene Glycol Toxicity Dr. Stephanie Seyse Geriatric Award: Assessment of Digoxin Prescribing for Patient Over 75 Years of Age Dr. Adrienne Smith-McGough Amgen NYSCHP REF Oncology Leadership Award: The Effect of Selected Cytochrome P450 Inhibitors on the Effectiveness of Tamoxifen in patients with Estrogen Receptor Positive Breast Cancer
Dr. Danielle Blais Pfizer Award: Comparison of Nursing Assessment of Sedation in Bispectral Analysis in ICU Patients, A Pilot Study Dr. Lisa Charneski Glaxo Research Award: Penicillin Allergy May Be Hazardous to Your Health: Implementation of an Evidence Based Detection Process of True Allergy in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital Marvin Knoeck, Jr Merck Award: Single Dose Rasburicase Plus Oral Allopurinol: An Effective Alternative in the Management of Tumor Lysis Syndrome Dr. Robert DiCenzo Amgen NYSCHP REF Oncology Leadership Award: Optimal Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy Dosing in Obese and Overweight Women
Dr. Roy Guharoy Lederle Research Award: Prevalence and Cost Savings of Therapeutic Interchange Among US Hospitals Glaxo Research Award: National Surgical Infection Prevention Guideline: Practice Analysis and Identification of Areas for Improvement in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital UpJohn Award: A Comparison of Patient Medication Knowledge with and without Pharmacists Discharge Consultations Karl Williams Pfizer Award: CDTM Boot Camp Royston Browne Amgen NYSCHP REF Oncology Leadership Award: A Randomized, Open Label Study for Comparing the efficacy of Gelchair® versus Mucositis Cocktail in Reducing chemotherapy Induced oral Mucositis Pain
Dr Roy Guharoy Clinical Pharmacy Services Award: Impact of Adverse Drug Reaction Events (ADRE’s) on Hospital Readmission Seymour & Elizabeth Katz Award: Benchmarking Impact of Multidisciplinary Team Initiated Computerized Physician Order Entry System on System Efficiency, Cost Containment and Improved Patient Outcome Dr. Adrienne Smith-McGough Medication Use Evaluation Award: Factor VIIa and Development of Institutional Prescribing Guidelines at a University Hospital Dr. John Noviasky Infectious Disease Research Award: Onychomycosis Treatment Using Topcial Menthol and Camphor (Aka Vick’s Vapor Rub) or Terbinafine Cream: A Perspective Study
Dr Roy Guharoy Infectious Disease Pharmacy Research Award: Beta-Lactam Allergy-A Myth? A Multi-disciplinary Team Initiated Prospective Intervention Program in Addressing the Challenge
Dr. Adrienne Smith-McGough Clinical Pharmacy Services Award: Project title, “Determining the Optimal Dose of Warfarin in Patients with Thyroid Disorders NYSCHP Southern Tier Chapter Demonstration Project Grant: Leadership Development and Membership Recruitment Dr. Cindy Ippoliti Amgen NYSCHP REF Oncology Leadership Award: Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Palfermin in HighRisk Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation Recipients
Dr. Elizabeth Phillips The Medication Use Evaluation Research Award: Evaluation of a Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) Scheme for Deep Vein Thrombosis (DV) Prevention Dr. John Noviasky The Geriatric Pharmacy Research Award: Impact of a Geriatric Team on the Outcomes of the Hospitalized Elderly Patient Dr. Reetu Gupta The Clinical Pharmacy Award: Correlation Between MDRD4 or Cockcrofy-Gault Equation and Gentamicin Clearance NYSCHP 50th Anniversary Demonstration Grant: Understanding the Millennial Mind Dr. Jeffrey Steele Amgen NYSCHP REF Oncology Leadership Award: Rasburicase, a recombinant urate oxidase, n reduction of uric acid and prevention of acute renal failure associated with tumor lysis syndrome
Dr. Kelly Jacobs The Pediatric Research Award: Characterization of Sedation Practices in Pediatric Intensive Care Units Dr. Brianne Hefty The Geratric Pharmacy Research Award: Correlation of Gentamicin Clearance with Variations of the Cockcroft-Gualt Equation and Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Equation for the Purpose of Characterizing Renal Function in Older Adults Dr. Ester Kim The Clinical Pharmacy Award: Utilization of Proton Pump Inhibitors at a Tertiary Care Teaching Institution: Consequences of Over-Prescribing Dr Alice Ceacareanu Amgen NYSCHP REF Oncology Leadership Award: Diabetes Pharmacology in Breast Cancer: Quo Vadis?
Dr Alice Ceacareanu The Clinical Pharmacy Award: Evaluating the prognostic value of adiponectin levels in diabetics with breast cancer - Role of insulin sensitizers Dr Ashley Wieldon-Woodruff The Infectious Disease Pharmacy Research Award: Development of a vancomycin dosing nomogram to target trough levels of 15-20 mg/L in a tertiary care teaching hospital Dr Amber Ng Amgen NYSCHP REF Oncology Leadership Award: Evaluation of safety and efficacy of collapsed-dose palifermin (Kepivance®) for oral mucositis prophylaxis in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation at The Mount Sinai Medical Center (MSMC)
Dr Tiffany Bias The Infectious Disease Research Award: Impact of Pharmacy Driven Intervention to Reduce Time to Initiation of Empiric Antibiotic Therapy. Dr. Rachael Aletti The Pharmacy Administration Research Award: A Comparison of Pharmacists and Technicians in checking automatic unit dose medications in an academic teaching hospital. “Tech check Tech” Dr. Angela Cheng The Clinical Pharmacy Services Research Award: Prospective Study to Evaluate the Impact of Direct Pharmacist Care on the Clinical Outcomes of Heart Failure Patients in a Collaborative Care Setting Dr. Ashley Richardson The Seymour and Elizabeth Katz Award: Optimizing Patient Care Through Interprofessional Education
Roopali Sharma
The Infectious Disease Research Award: Outcomes of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia and Cancomycin MIC in Hemodialysis Patients
THE HIV PHARMACY RESEARCH AWARD: Use of Aspirin and Statins for primary prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke in HIV patients
Elizabeth Hansen
The Clinical Pharmacy Services Research Award: Evaluation of the feasibility and utility of a pharmacist centered collaborative drug therapy management program for oncology based symptom management
Helene Maltz
The Clinical Pharmacy Services Research Award: Impact of Pharmacist-provided Education on Heart Failure Readmission
Kobi Nathan
The Medication Use Evaluation Research Award: Increasing Risk Awareness for Torsades de pointes: Evaluating QTc-prolonging Medication Use and Monitoring in Hospitalized Patients
Roopali Sharma The Infectious Disease Pharmacy Research Award: Gram Negative Bacteremia: Are Short courses of Antimicrobial Therapy Feasible? Jason Chheda The Clinical Pharmacy (CPS)Services Research Award: Comparing Overall Congestive Heart Failure 30 Day Readmission Rates In Patients Utilizing the eMedonline Telephone System versus a Historical Control Group Eric Sidman The Clinical Pharmacy (CPS)Services Research Award: Transitions of care of anticoagulated patients: are current practice enough? Rebecca Cope The HIV Pharmacy Research Award: Evaluating the Effects of an Interdisciplinary Practice Model with Pharmacist Collaboration on HIV Patients Co-morbidities
Amy L. Dzierba The Critical Care Pharmacotherapy Award: Pharmacokinetics of midazolam in adults undergoing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
Corey M. Hale The Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Research Award: Comparison of AUC:MIC calculations with vancomycin trough serum concentrations in patients with confirmed MRSA infection
Maria A. Sorbera The Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Research Award: Evaluation of sofosbuvir and simeprevir combination therapy in an HCV/HIV co-infected population Martin Strait The Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Research Award: Outcomes in community acquired pneumonia with a doxycycline containing regimen versus traditional regimens
Peter J. Aiello The Pediatric Pharmacy Research Award: Implementation of a Pharmacist Led Medication Management Program in a Pediatric Sickle Cell Ambulatory Care Clinic
Victor Chen The Pediatric Pharmacy Research Award: Clinical Outcomes of NICU Patients with Staphylococcus epidermis Treated with Vancomycin
Pavel Goriacko The Medication Use Evaluation Award: Safety of Dabigatran versus Warfarin in Chronic Liver Disease Jason Babby The Geriatric Pharmacy Research Award: A Basic Approach to Reduce Inappropriate Dosing of High Risk Drugs in Elderly Patients Cory Hale The Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Research Award: Characterization of Drug-Related Problems in Patients Receiving Outpatient Antimicrobial Therapy
Demetra Tsapepas The Clinical Pharmacy Services Research Award: Innovating in Pharmacy Practice, Virtual Medication Education for Organ Transplant Recipients
Danielle R. Longo The David Adelman Pharmacovigilance Award: Integrating an ambulatory care pharmacist into the transitions of care process at an academic medical center for patients on high risk medications.
Joshua V. Schrader The Geriatric Pharmacy Research Award: Readmission Rates Associated with High-Risk Medication Prescribing in Elderly Patients.
Bejoy Maniara The Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Research Award: Assessing the risk of nephrotoxicity associated with non-renally adjusted intravenous polymyxin B compared to traditional dosing.
Victoria Huang The Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Research Award: Risk factors for readmission in patients with outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy.
Nikki Bhogal The Clinical Pharmacy Services Research Award: Pharmacy-Led Interventional Bundle to Reduce Readmissions: COPD Medication Management, Disease State Education and Discharge Phone Calls.
Nikki Bhogal The Seymour & Elizabeth Katz Memorial Fund Award: Improving Patient Satisfaction Scores and Reducing Readmissions: A Pharmacy and Nursing Collaboration.
Billy Sin The Clinical Pharmacy Services Research Award: Implementation of a novel practice model to mitigate opioid utilization in the emergency department.
Grace Shyh The Clinical Pharmacy Services Research Award: Opioid stewardship: Establishing best practices in acute pain management to promote safe and effective opioid use.
Brian T. Mogle The David Adelman Pharmacovigilance Award: Optimizing vancomycin therapeutic drug monitoring by identifying area under the concentration-time curve thresholds for efficacy and nephrotoxicity in a real-world population of adults patients with MRSA bacteremia: a retrospective cohert analysis.
Bejoy Maniara The Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Research Award: Assessment of dual-carbapenem treatment efficacy in patients with infections caused by carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae or Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Julia Sessa The Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Research Award: The Impact of the Duration of Antibiotic Therapy in Community-Onset Pneumonia Patients on Readmission Rates: A Retrospective Cohort Study.
Matthew Li The Medication Use Award: Impact of Home Psychotropic Medication Reinitiation of Intensive Care Unit Delirium.
Bejoy Maniara The Joseph Pinto Resident Essay Award
Clinical Pharmacy Service Research Award (completed research) Impact of tyrosine kinase inhibitor starting dose on outcomes in patients with non small cell lung cancer
Chung-Shien Lee, PharmD, BCPS, BCOP Assistant Professor, Clinical Health Professions St Johns University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Queens, New York
Clinical Pharmacy Services Research Award (research in progress)
Project PACT-Stroke: Pharmacists Act on Care Transition in Stroke
Jenna Fancher, PharmD PGY2 Ambulatory Care Resident Upstate University Hospital, Syracuse, New York and St. John Fisher College/Wegmans School of Pharmacy
Critical Care Pharmacotherapy Research Award (research in progress)
Impact of combination antibiotic bag (CAB) utilization on clinical outcomes among patients presenting to the emergency department with severe sepsis
Curtis Blow, PharmD PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Resident Upstate University Hospital, Syracuse, New York
Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Research Award (research in progress)
Effect of Oral Step-down Therapy on Readmission Rates in Escherichia coli Bacteremia
Julia Sessa, PharmD Infectious Disease Clinical Specialist St. Joseph's Hospital, Syracuse, New York
Clinical Pharmacy Service Research Award (research in progress)
Evaluation of a pharmacist’s impact on antimicrobial prescribing in an urgent care center
Amy Fabian, PharmD PGY2 Infectious Disease Resident St. Joseph's Hospital, Syracuse, New York and St. Johns Fisher College/Wegmans School of Pharmacy
Infectious Disease Pharmacy Research Award (research in progress)
Efficacy of dual-carbapenem therapy versus polymyxin-based therapies against infections caused by carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae or pseudomonas aeruginosa
Bejoy Maniara, PharmD, BCPS Clinical Coordinator of Infectious Diseases Pharmacotherapy Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York
REF Residency Essay Contest Winner
Essay Topic: Define and Describe an Innovative Approach for Pharmacists in Improving Medication Adherence
Chrissy Vu, PharmD PGY2 Infectious Diseases Resident, Instructor of Pharmacy Practice Mount Sinai Health System/Touro College of Pharmacy
Infectious Disease Pharmacy Research Award (completed research) Impact of a collaborative drug therapy management program for culture follow-up by pharmacists in an emergency department
Christine Ciaramella, PharmD The Brooklyn Hospital, Brooklyn, New York
Clinical Pharmacy Services Research Award (research in progress) A retrospective study to evaluate the impact of direct pharmacist care on the readmission rates of heart failure patients in a collaborative drug therapy management clinic
Jessica Cacace, PharmD Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, New York
Infectious Disease Pharmacy Research Award (research in progress) Impact of Pharmacist-Driven Azithromycin De-Escalation in Community-Acquired Pneumonia
Pegah Shakeraneh, PharmD Upstate University Hospital, Syracuse, New York
David Adelman Pharmacovigilance Research Award (research in progress) Retrospective analysis of the safety and efficacy of andexanet alfa versus four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate in the setting of apixaban or rivaroxaban associated intracranial hemorrhage
Katie Parsels, PharmD Upstate University Hospital, Syracuse, New York
Infectious Disease Pharmacy Research Award (research in progress) Evaluation of Deferred Renal Dose Adjustment of Beta-lactam Antibiotics in Patients with Acute Kidney Injury Secondary to Sepsis
Sumeet Jain, PharmD Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Northwell Health, New Hyde Park, New York
Medication Use Evaluation Research Award (research in progress) project Identifying Patients Inappropriately Prescribed Aspirin for Primary Prevention in a Primary Care Clinic
Amanda Mogul, PharmD Binghamton University School of Pharmacy, Binghamton, New York
Justin Andrade, PharmD, BCIDP Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Fellow The Brooklyn Hospital Center/Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (LIU Pharmacy)
Evaluating pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) target attainment of beta-lactam antibiotics in critically ill patients
Justin Andrade, PharmD, BCIDP Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Fellow The Brooklyn Hospital Center/Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (LIU Pharmacy)
Impact of a pharmacist-led prospective culture follow-up program for critical microbiology results in an emergency department
You Jin Chang, Pharm. D. PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Resident, Mount Sinai Health System
Effectiveness of Pharmacist-Led Remote Patient Monitoring in Management of Uncontrolled Hypertension in Adult Ambulatory Care Patients.
Rebecca Rainess PGY2 Internal Medicine Pharmacy Resident, New York-Presbyterian Hospital
The Impact of Clinical Pharmacy Diabetes Management in a Transitions of Care Model.
Sara Belz, PharmD PGY1 Pharmacy Resident, Upstate University Hospital
Comparison of Estimates of Vancomycin AUC Accuracy of Four Free Online Adaptive Vancomycin Dosing Calculators versus the Linear Log Trapezoidal Rule and Two Post-distributional Vancomycin Concentrations.
Ashley Shtoyko, PharmD PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Resident, Upstate University Hospital
Identifying Prescribing Patterns of Diabetes Medications Among Pharmacists and Primary Care Providers: A Focus on GLP-1 Agonists and SGLT-2 Inhibitors.
John Cerenzio, PharmD PGY 2 Infectious Disease Pharmacy Resident The Brooklyn Hospital Center Efficacy and safety of vancomycin Bayesian-estimated area under the curve versus trough based dosing
Ami Shah, PharmD, BCCCP Clinical Pharmacy Manager, Critical Care/Cardiothoracic ICU Mount Sinai Health System Pharmacological management of perioperative bleeding following cardiac surgery
Krysta Shannon, PharmD, BCPS PGY 2 Internal Medicine Pharmacy Resident New York-Presbyterian Hospital The impact of social determinants of health on time to antibiotics in the emergency department
Jen Chen, PharmD, BCPS PGY 2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Resident SUNY Upstate University Hospital Closing the gap in health disparities and improving health outcomes: Evaluation of a single center expansion of continuous glucose monitor access in patients with type 2 diabetes
Frances Hughes, PharmD PGY 1 Pharmacy Resident Montefiore Medical Center Real world efficacy of fidaxomicin in patients at risk of C.Difficile recurrence
Completed Research
Justin Andrade, PharmD, BCIDP Assistant Professor and Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator, Infectious Diseases Touro College of Pharmacy and The Brooklyn Hospital Center Pharmacist-led adverse event reporting in a COVID-19 vaccine immunization clinic
Pinto Leadership Essay Award - Made possible by a special grant from ST Health
Austin Golia, PharmD PGY-2 Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Resident Montefiore Medical Center
Essay Topic: Compare and Contrast Servant and Transformational Leadership Strategies and in Your Opinion which Strategy is Best Applied in Health-System Pharmacy
Kristen Slimmer, PharmD PGY 2 Infectious Disease Pharmacy Resident St. Joseph’s Health Syracuse Impact of Standardized Podiatry Intraoperative Documentation and Culture Documentation of Diabetic Foot Osteomyelitis on Antibiotic Days of Therapy in a Community Teaching Hospital.
Andy Lim, PharmD PGY-2 Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Resident Montefiore Medical Center Evaluation of Appropriate Antibiotic Prescribing Following Modification of Culture & Susceptibility Cascade for High-Risk AmpC Producing Gram-Negative Bacteria.
Omar Hassaneen, PharmD PGY-1 Pharmacy Resident The Brooklyn Hospital Clinical Utility of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Surveillance Cultures in Non-Pulmonary Infections at a Community Teaching Hospital.
Valerie Amedeo, PharmD PGY-1 Pharmacy Resident Upstate University Hospital Effect of etomidate on systolic blood pressure in emergency department patients undergoing rapid sequence intubation with high and low shock index.
Allison Hitchcock, PharmD PGY-2 Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Resident Upstate University Hospital Impact of a Pharmacist-Conducted Preoperative Interview on Perioperative Antibiotic Prescribing in Patients with β-lactam Allergy Who Underwent Elective Orthopedic Surgery.
Andrea Dressler, PharmD PGY-1 Pharmacy Resident Upstate University Hospital Nationwide Survey to Characterize the Research Experiences of ASHP-Accredited PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Programs.
Vincent Tran, PharmD PGY-1 Pharmacy Resident The Brooklyn Hospital Center Evaluating Dosing Strategies of Ceftriaxone on Clinical Outcomes in Obese Patients
Katherine Bradley, Pharm.D. PGY-1 Pharmacy Resident Upstate Medical University Comparing the Safety of Parenteral Olanzapine and Benzodiazepines in Emergency Department Patients: A Sigle Center Analysis
Brianna Schafer, Pharm.D. PGY-1 Pharmacy Resident SUNY Upstate Medical University Hospital Simulated Comparison of Adenosine Administration Utilizing a Single Syringe vs a Double Syringe Method
Antoinette Acbo, Pharm.D. PGY-1 Pharmacy Resident Montefiore Medical Center Assessing the Impact of an Electronic Health Record (HER) Embedded Treatment Algorithm and Order Set on Antipseudomonal Antibiotic Use in Diabetic Foot Infections
Anna Clare Eckrich, Pharm.D. PGY-1 Pharmacy Resident The Brooklyn Hospital Center Evaluation of Empirical Gentamicin Dosing and Serum Creatinine in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at a Community Hospital
Alexis DelBalso, Pharm.D. PGY-1 Pharmacy Resident SUNY Upstate University Hospital A pre-post intervention study examining the impact of preparation techniques on time to administration of 23.4% sodium chloride for neurologic emergencies
Pinto Leadership Essay Award - Made possible by a special grant from ST Health
2023 Viktoriya Avlasevich, PharmD University of Rochester Medical Center Strong Memorial Hospital
Essay Topic: Considerations for incorporation of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) into pharmacy leadership development.
2024 Angel-Rose Weber, PharmD Albany Medical Center
Essay Topic: Substance Use Disorder and its impact and how you will use this experience to improve pharmacy practice in the future